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  • D19474: .NET: change templates names: add '(.NET Framework)' and remove '(.NET Core)'
  • D12063: Added ”OriginalExceptionClassName" property in EROUnregisteredServerException/ServerException
  • D19256: DA/.NET: RO show twice when adding References in VS
  • D19480: DA/Delphi: ERangeCheck at saving briefcase
  • D19472: DA/Delphi: TDASchema: Custom Attributes wasn't read correctly from json
  • D19468: Delphi: compatibility with fpc $MODE DELPHIUNICODE
  • D19471: Java: update _Intf in samples
  • D19042: PHP Interface fails with PHP 7.4.414 (partial)
  • D19479: RO/.NET: StackOverflow when SuperHttpChannel sends a big response to plain HttpClient
  • D19475: RO/Delphi: better compatibility with C++Builder (uROSocketUtils.pas)
  • D19467: RO/Delphi: Exception when de-activating ROSuperHttpChannel
  • D14801: RO/Delphi: Implement event for HTTP servers which allows to edit Response
  • D19469: RO/Delphi: TROJSONMessage should be able to generate json with indent
  • D19466: RO/Delphi: TROSuperTCPChannel doesn't work on Linux platform
  • D19465: RO/Delphi: TROUri should support DLLChannel
  • D19477: ROD/RON: RODL: store namespace in use tag
  • D19477: RODL: store namespace in use tag
  • D19470: ServiceBuilder should be able to open .remoteRODL files
  • D16379: Spec upgrade for json message to json-rpc 2.0
  • C++Builder codegen: possibility to generate types in own files
  • C++Builder CodeGen: possibility to generate types in own files
  • CodeGen: better compatibility with C++Builder
  • DA/Cocoa: New Intf
  • Java: better compatibility with java enums
  • JavaRodlCodeGen was updated
  • Merged CodeGen4
  • Merged ROCodeGen
  • RO/.NET: BinMessage: always treat MaxDecompressedMessageSize as ≥ MaxMessageSize
  • RO/.NET: BinMessage: Friendly error when unprocessed envelope is detected
  • RO/Cocoa: Bad value passed to asyncRequestNeedsLogin
  • RO/Cocoa: clientChannel:request:didFailWithException:
  • RO/Cocoa: startWithErrorBlock
  • RO/Delphi: Generate readable .remoteRODL
  • RO/Delphi: ServiceGroup & SimpleServer samples were added
  • RO/Delphi: support of CanRemapParameters/RemapParameters methods
  • RO/Delphi: use TROBinaryMemoryStream instead of TMemoryStream
  • RO/Java: ArrayType: getItemAtIndex method was renamed to __getItemAtIndex
  • ServiceBuilder: write UTF8 BOM if content has UTF8 encoding
  • typo in templates ('Applcation'->'Application')

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